Singing too much? Had a bad fight? Your voice is trashed right? How do you get it back into tip top shape? This video will give you all of the hot tips and tricks on getting your body to heal more qui ...
When bad odors are abound, what more can you do than scrunch your nose and try to get out of the area? (well, if you're on an elevator, well, let's just say your luck ran out.) With this video they ha ...
Lack of sleep is an epidemic in this country… throughout the world really… and a lot of people think that a pill will solve their restless nights, and that that's the best thing they can do. But there ...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to get water of their ear. The materials required for this task are a towel and rubbing alcohol. Begin by laying out the towel on a table. Then place the head ...
Onion is being used for centuries not just to add flavor to foods but also for its therapeutic properties. Onion have an antibacterial and antifungal properties. Some people mixed vinegar with onion j ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to prevent beach sand sickness. Sand has a ton of bacteria in it and can cause illness in your body right away. It will get on your hands, then when your hands go to you ...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to make themselves sneeze. Users will just need a cotton swab. This trick is very easy, fast and simple to do. Carefully insert the cotton swab in one of your ...
In this tutorial, we learn how to wash your hands the correct way. First, let the water run for a few seconds until it gets hot or warm. After it's done warming up, run your hands through the water, m ...
In order to cleanse your body of toxins, you first need to determine the types of toxins you've been exposed to. This can be done with blood screening or urinalysis or liver function tests. If the l ...
In this Diet & Health video tutorial you will learn how to cure bronchitis & heartburn with a home remedy. Jane tells you about 2 home remedy tricks that are all natural. To neutralize the acid in the ...