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How would you like to make your own lip balm/chapstick? It's easy to do with a few simple products. One way to do it includes beeswax, coconut oil, olive oil, raw honey, peppermint oil (for scent), an ...

People do so much so fast these days that sleep time has become a hot commodity. Take advantage of that time by falling asleep as fast as possible, which you will learn how to do without drugs in this ...

We've all had it happen before. You fall asleep drooling in class, resting your head on your hands. Or you use your hand to lean on as you browse websites on the computer. Once you move out of your po ...

Static electrical shock your worst nightmare? The clothes you choose, the shoes you wear, and even the things you touch might encourage this natural phenomenon. If static shock is ruining your day, th ...

The lion's breath exercise can be used to get rid of sore throats. To perform this, get into a comfortable position. Inhale deeply. When you exhale, stick out your tongue, as far as it will go. Exhale ...

From poison oak to allergies, irritants can cause an irritated area that can itch for hours. Itching is annoying and distracting, but you don't have to go to the store to find relief. You can make a t ...

Are there any home remedies we can follow to cure them without going to surgery? Do hemorrhoids occur again once cured? ...

I've never had a black eye, but I was in a car accident that turned my entire ear dark purple a few years ago. Believe me; it was enough to get more than a few funny looks. Walking around with bruises ...

When a migraine strikes, it can be crippling. Intense and sharp pain not only at the temples, but radiating throughout the entire head; feelings of nausea and digestive discontent; an unbearable avers ...