Persistent forearm pain can be caused by muscular strain and overuse, and can lead to tendonitis - sometimes from exercise or sports, but sometimes through a repetitive motion like house painting. You can even get it from typing on a laptop in an awkward position, or holding a phone to your ear for long periods of time. Here's how to cure forearm pain without seeing a doctor.
Locate the Pain
Identify the location of your pain, whether it's in the elbow, just below, if it hurts when you make a fist or flex your fingers. If pain occurs when lifting something as simple as an empty glass, you need to take action right away.??
Identify the Cause
Identify the activity that caused your forearm pain. You may have been lifting weights too strenuously, or playing too much golf. When you've determined what it was you were doing, stop it immediately. Do not participate in that activity for at least three weeks.??
Rest your arm thoroughly. You may need to wear a sling in order to remember not to use the affected arm, especially if it's the right arm and you're right-handed. You can buy a sling at a medical supply store, or make one out of a scarf or leather strap to wear around the house. Remember that continued use of muscles and tendons that are trying to heal will only make the pain worse.
Ice your painful forearm for 20 minutes every day. This helps reduce inflammation and speed the healing process.
Apply moderate pressure to your forearm with a compression sleeve or elasticized bandage. These are easily obtained at your local drugstore.
If your forearm pain is more than a distraction, take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain reliever such as ibuprofen. Be careful not to exceed the daily dosage, as overuse can cause stomach problems.
Resume Activity
After three weeks, resume moderate exercise. If the pain returns, you haven't rested your injury sufficiently. Continue repeating the earlier steps for another three weeks. If your forearm pain hasn't lessened by then, see your doctor for a more complete evaluation.
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